When Shonika Bolden came to Bosma last year, she was scared to death. Since becoming blind, she hadn't gone anywhere by herself. This spring, Shonika and her son, will move into their new apartment close to Bosma, and she's looking forward to beginning her new life.
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"I didn’t think I’d ever work again.”
Like many who are visually impaired, Daniel Diaz didn’t think he needed help. He was getting by at the job he held for 21 years before his degenerative eye condition (retinitis pigmentosa) forced him to make a hard decision.
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Support is the Key to Success
Every month Bosma highlights the success of a client who has gone through one or more of our rehabilitation programs. The stories are meant to inspire and encourage others who are struggling on their journey with
vision loss.
These stories of courage and commitment are compelling. Still, each one
will tell you their success would not have happened without the instruction,
guidance, and coaching of Bosma's dedicated staff.Read Article
You Don't Have to See to Have a Vision
"I'm realistic about my (job) search but if there's one thing Bosma taught me, it's never lose your hope or vision of a new life. Hang in there and you will find your something,” Patty said.Read Article
Dream Job Turns Into Reality
Bosma’s employment specialists worked with Joe on creating an effective updated resume, brushing up his computer skills, and teaching him how to use new assistive devices. “They coached me and encouraged me and rooted for me. I spent 13 weeks learning how to navigate my blindness. I learned a lot about myself and my abilities – not disabilities," said Joe.Read Article
Building Better Surveys Using Intent and Psychology
Tips on building better surveys and how to use the data to better your business. Read Article
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