When Shonika Bolden came to Bosma last year, she was scared to death. Since becoming blind, she hadn't gone anywhere by herself.
So many questions faced her. How can I do this? Can they really help me live a normal life again? Then, she met with Rehab Instructor Michelle Shaeffer and allowed herself to hope again. Michelle's parting words after that first meeting have stuck with her ever since – “You've got this!”
Shonika’s vision loss story is tragic. She was almost 30, had a five-year-old son, had just moved into her new townhome, and was pregnant with her second child. Then, the unimaginable happened. Shonika had a stroke that cost her everything: her home, her vision, and her unborn son. It very nearly cost her own life.
Through her determination and help from multiple medical and therapeutic teams, Shonika could go live with her mother and son. But she still couldn't walk, talk, feed herself, or see. She was told that, in time, she would regain some abilities. It would take a lot of work.
Work never scared Shonika, and with the support of her mother and sister, she began seeing results. She learned to speak and use a walker. Over time, some vision returned, but only in terms of light and darkness.
Seven years after her stroke, she made her first trip to Bosma. “Michelle asked me what I wanted to do instead of telling me what I couldn't. She told me it would be hard, but she was confident that I could reach my goal of independence.
"When I started mobility training, I was walking like a slug. Then they showed me how to put tennis balls on my walker, and I felt like a rabbit! I was doing wheelies in the hallways!
"I learned how to use a keyboard and how to cook again. I can use a microwave and air fryer, crack eggs, cut butter - it's amazing! And, all the time, the instructors were telling me, ‘You've got this, Shonika!'"
Shonika will tell you that Bosma's expectations are high but not unrealistic. After the program, she hated to leave. "I no longer needed them, but I wanted them. I go back to visit a lot," she said.
Shonika's future is bright. With her newly acquired skills, she hopes to get a data entry or customer service job. "I love talking to people!"
This spring, Shonika and her son, Damon, will move into their new apartment close to Bosma, and she's looking forward to beginning her new life.