Bosma announces Hasbrook Award winner

Jeff Mittman presenting the Hasbrook Award to Tom Zampieri
This morning, Bosma hosted its annual Thomas C. Hasbrook Award Breakfast, naming Thomas Zampieri as the 2022 Hasbrook Award winner. Other winners include Steve Anderson, Employee of the Year; Rep. Doug Miller, Legislator of the Year; CoasterStone, Community Partner; and Degree of Honor, Volunteer of the Year.

“The Hasbrook Award winners are difference-makers across our state,” said Brandon Wells, executive director of Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation. “Each recipient improves the lives of Hoosiers living with disabilities in their own unique way.”

Zampieri was named the recipient of the award for his work as a lifelong servant both as a soldier and as an advocate. He served as an Army medic and in the National Guard as a physician’s assistant. Most recently, he served as the national president of the Blinded Veterans Association. While in this role, he advocated on Capitol Hill in support of legislation that saved many jobs for people who are blind, including those at

The annual Hasbrook breakfast, held at the Dallara Indycar Factory, honors people and organizations who make the world a better place for others no matter their ability. Along with recognizing all Hasbrook honorees, the event featured a panel discussion with Dr. Jing Xu, research associate at Envision Research Institute; Clayton Nicholas, associate director and co- founder of the Transportation Autonomous and Systems Institute (TASI) at IUPUI: and James Michaels, Bosma vice president of program services involving autonomous technology. The
experts led a discussion on the state of autonomous technology and how these vehicles could impact the lives of people with disabilities.

The panelists discussed the life-changing opportunities that autonomous technology could provide for blind and visually impaired individuals, including the ability to use a self-driving car. The panelists are hopeful that this type of technology would be available in the near future on a widespread and affordable basis.

Through corporate partnerships, special events and other ongoing fundraising efforts, Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation supports the Center for Visionary Solutions, which provides essential employment and training opportunities to Hoosiers who are blind or visually impaired. For more information on the Bosma Visionary Opportunities Foundation, visit